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Become a member of Bealach Nua CLG, so you can have input into the new €20 million creative studio in Ballaghaderreen, Co. Roscommon.  Bealach Nua CLG are members of the Roscommon PPN and as a registered organisation they are obliged to follow the regulations below, which means they must be open to new members.  Black Hole Studio are collecting information for those interested in joining Bealach Nua CLG and will send off a joint application. This will save time for the individual and for Bealach Nua CLG, who will only have to process the new applications in one go. Black Hole Studio will keep everyone who applies through this form up-to-date on a regular basis as each part of the process takes place.


Fill out the online form below to apply.

Regulations to register an organisation with Roscommon PPN :

  • Be active and with a postal address in Co. Roscommon.

  • Operate on a not-for profit basis.

  • Be volunteer-led (organisations may have paid staff, but must be under voluntary control).

  • Be independent, and this can include local and regional branches of national organisations.

  • Have at least three members and are open to new members.

  • Have an appropriate governance structure e.g. set of rules/constitution/financial procedures.

  • Meet regularly.

  • Be in existence for at least six months.

  • Be non-party political.

Leave your name here to apply to join Bealach Nua CLG

Thank you! We will put your name forward towards joining Bealach Nua CLG.

We will keep you up to date via email with the process.

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